Recently several State and Federal laws have been passed that regulate and reduce the lead content in plumbing parts and fixtures that come in contact with potable water. States including California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana already have laws in effect or that will go into effect soon, and the new Federal law will take effect January 4, 2014. In short the mandates require that the wetted surfaces of parts must not contain any more than .25% lead, when measured as a weighted average.
In anticipation of these requirements, as of December 31, 2012 Keeney will cease shipping items that are considered leaded under the new laws and transition to an already existing full line of products, developed by Keeney/Plumb Pak, that meet or exceed existing State laws as well as the upcoming Federal requirements. These parts are easily identified with a “LF” suffix on the part number (i.e. 2622PCLF), a lead free statement on the packaging, and many carry an “LF” marking directly on the product. Also all of our assortments have been transitioned to feature these new lead free parts where applicable.
Keeney/Plumb Pak is prepared for the lead free legislation, which means you, as our customer, can rest assured that you are prepared as well.